bb Blacksheep Swap Shop

If you have any items for sale or are looking for something, contact Rege Hall. You can click on the pictures below for a larger view.

Blacksheep stuff:

Blacksheep tee shirts, Gen5 gray S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL sizes $20.

For Sale: Spektrum DX18 G1 and Spektrum DX6. Both in excellent condition, contact Bill Clontz, 317-730-8370 or

For Sale: Pilot Extra 330 SC - 107" wing span, Turnigy Rotomax 100cc electric motor, 300 AMP Kontronik ESC, Blue Bird servos, Spektrum AR9100 Rx, 4 used 6S 10,000 Mah batteries. Asking $1,100 - contat Parker Hall,

For Sale: HSD Super Viper “turbine” Gen 1 airframe with servos electric landing gear - $200, contact Kyle Bushman,

For Sale: Arfs and Kits for sale. List as make an offer:

E-flite Habu 32x yellow composite 80mm edf $400 / Great Planes Dirty Birdy Composite $500 / Great Planes Tracer Kit $150 / E-flite Ultimate FX3D indoor bipe $150 / e-Flite Leader 480 $100 / Eureka Aircraft Company Curare Kit with full wood kit and foam wings and stabs. Full size plans. $350 / E-Flite Eratix BNF, new assembled but never flown. $150.

Contact Jon Dieringer,

For Sale: eFlite Viper Jet 90mm with Flex Innovations 8s fan setup (from the FlexJet 8s TV jet) and Aura 5 (currently set up on sbus). Always stored in the box and very good condition. Includes 1 8s 4000 battery. No rx included. Asking $650. Contact Jon Dieringer,

  • Need AMA numbers? Your AMA number, 1" tall for $1 a pair. All types of fonts and colors (white, black, dark blue, red, lemon yellow, dark (Cub) yellow, green, gold, silver, sky blue, med blue, teal, gray, orange, maroon and purple) available. Also, any other vinyl lettering needs, contact Rege Hall.
