Spot Landing - Each pilot had three attempts to perform a spot landing on the gridded area of the field for points. Everyone did very well despite 30 mph gusty winds.
1. Rege Hall - 200 pts
2. Deene Vanmeter - 160 pts
3. Blake McBee - 135 pts
3. Jonothan Rifkin - 135 pts
5. Don Schmedake - 110 pts
6. Parker Hall - 75 pts
7. Ralph McBee - 70 pts
8. Dillon McBee - 50 pts
9. Tony Bowling - 45 pts
10. Weir Thurman - 10 pts
10. Joe Hartsock - 10 pts
10. Graham Bitner - 10 pts
Our second event was Loop, Rock N, Roll. Each pilot started in from the circle and took off, performed two loops a touch n go and then two rolls and landed and taxied back the the center of the circle.
1. Rege Hall - 31:47 seconds
2. Jonathan Rifkin - 43:09 seconds
3. Deene Vanmeter - 46:00 seconds
4. Parker Hall - 53.4 seconds
5. Don Schmedake - 69:50 seconds seconds
6. Blake McBee - 73:4 seconds
7. Dillon McBee - 83:43 seconds
8. Tony Bowling - 87:50 seconds
9. Weir Thurman - 102:12 seconds
10. Raplh McBee - NT
10. Graham Bitner - NT
10. Joe Hartsock - NT
The third event was Dead Stick Spot Landing. This proved to be very tough. Each pilot had three chances to take off, climb, kill the engine and then glide to a landing. The measurement was from the front of the prop where the plne came to rest to the center of the circle. The strong winds made the judgement of getting to the circle difficult. Ah, but there were still very good scores:
1. Parker Hall - 3 inches
2. Rege Hall - 39 inches
3. Graham Bitner - 117.5 inches
4. Deene Vanmeter - 126 inches
5. Jonathan Rifkin - 185.75 inches
6. Blake McBee - 199 inches
7. Don Schmedake - NS
7. Weir Thurman - NS
7. Dillon McBee - NS
7. Ralph McBee - NS
The fourth event was a pilot and crowd favorite, the Pony Express:
1. Dillon McBee, Jonathan Rifkin and Ralph McBee - 1:38
2. Don Schmedake, Graham Bitner and Deene Vanmeter - 1:55
3. Parker Hall, Blake McBee and Joe Hartsock - 2:13
L-R: 1) Don Schmedake spot landings as Deene Vanmeter and Tom Carlyle judge. Blake McBee is assisting Parker Hall get ready.
2) Dillon at the controls of family Hawk as Ralph McBee is moving the mail.
3) Jonathan Rifkin's Fazer getting ready as Ralph is moving the mail.
4) Deene Vanmeter carrying out his Pizzaz for the Spto Landing.
5) Tom Carlyle on the stop watch as Don and Graham Bitner look on in anticipation.
L-R: 1) Don Schmedake zeroing in on the target in the Spot Landing
2) Parker Hall with Blake McBee and Joe Hartsock getting ready for the Pony Express run.
3) Blake McBee ready for take off with Hawk.
4) Joe Hartsock rolling with Eagle in the Pony Express.
5) Parker Hall just airborne after a 75 point spot landing touch down.
L-R: 1) Jonathan Rifkin getting ready for another event with his Fazer.
2) Ralph McBee on an attempt at the Spot Landing.
3) Graham Bitner looking for the target on the Spot Landing.
4) Deene Vanmeter changing the mail form Graham's plane to Don Schmedake's plane.
5) Dillon McBee and Jonathan Rifkin in action on the Pony Express event.