"Welcome To The Blacksheep R/C Modelers Club!"

An AMA Gold Leader Club

Blacksheep note: Watch out for and avoid full scale traffic.

Next club meeting: Wednesday March 5th at the clubhouse.

Visit our Facebook page by copying the address and putting in your browser: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BLACKSHEEPRCMODELERS or, use your smart phone to scan this VR Code:

++ NEWS FLASH - you can pay your dues with Pay Pal or Venmo. Our NEW club e-mail address is: blacksheep3032@gmail.com (pay using "sending to a friend")++ If you are new or have information changes, please fill out and e-mail the membership application above.

Click here to join the Academy of Model Aeronautics


John Louden's E-Flite Maule on floats on perfect snow!

Click on the Corsair to visit our 2024 NMAD / HVAF event page.

Latest update: 6-Feb-2025

 Blacksheep webmaster.